Who we are

In order to ensure the long-term presence and health of Yolŋu as carers of their country, Djambawa Marawili authorised the On Track Watch research project in Baniyala. Since 2016, a group of adults in Baniyala have been developing their knowledge and experience as community researchers.

“We are learning about research for the benefit of everyone in Baniyala, and all the Laynha homelands”

16 people in Baniyala have been doing a Certificate 2 in Community Health Research (10513 NAT) through the Menzies School of Health Research. The topic for their first research work was Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease. This work is part of a national Centre of Research Excellence to End Rheumatic Heart Disease. Many partners provided support for this work, including Laynhapuy Health Service.

“Both ways” learning was utilised and included using local metaphors, for example the Lipa Lipa (canoe) for research practice.

The community researcher group looks forward to working on new research topics in partnerships with other agencies.


Read more about On Track Watch….
  1. On Track Watch Report 
  2. On Track Watch Evaluation
  3. On Track Watch Training in Darwin and Perth
  4. Throat Swabbing Day Report
  5.  RHD in Yolngu Matha by Yilpara Family
  6. The Conversation article – contributed by OTW Researchers
  7. Other Rheumatic Heart Disease resources:
    1. RHD in Australia
    2. App to help families remember needles


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